
英语听力2024-03-28 17:54:21小编




What does role mean:

Role refers to the specific character or responsibility that a person plays or holds in a particular situation. It can be used as a noun or a verb. As a noun, it signifies the specific position or function that someone has in society, an organization, or a group; as a verb, it indicates the act of carrying out a certain duty or playing a specific role.


role的音标为 [roʊl],发音类似于 "rohl"。


The pronunciation of role is [roʊl], similar to "rohl".


1. 作为名词使用:

- In this play, he has the leading role.


- The teacher's role is to guide and educate students.


2. 作为动词使用:

- She will be role-playing as the customer.


- He was asked to role-play as the manager for the training session.


3. 其他搭配:

- play a role (in something):在某事中发挥作用

- assume/take on/fulfill a role:承担角色

- define/redefine a role:界定/重新定义角色


1. As a noun:

- In this play, he has the leading role.

- The teacher's role is to guide and educate students.

2. As a verb:

- She will be role-playing as the customer.

- He was asked to role-play as the manager for the training session.

3. Other collocations:

- play a role (in something): to have an effect or influence on something

- assume/take on/fulfill a role: to take responsibility for a particular task or duty

- define/redefine a role: to establish or change the purpose or function of a particular position


1. My mother played an important role in my decision to become a doctor.


2. The company is looking for someone who can fulfill the role of project manager.


3. The children were asked to do some role-playing exercises in class.


4. It's not easy to redefine your roles within the family, but it can lead to better relationships.


5. The actor's most memorable role was in the classic film "Casablanca".



1. My mother played an important role in my decision to become a doctor.

2. The company is looking for someone who can fulfill the role of project manager.

3. The children were asked to do some role-playing exercises in class.

4. It's not easy to redefine your roles within the family, but it can lead to better relationships.

5. The actor's most memorable role was in the classic film "Casablanca".


1. position:指某人在社会、组织或团体中所担任的职位或角色。

2. function:指某人在特定情况下所扮演的作用或者职责。

3. duty:指某人被要求履行的责任或者义务。

4. character:指某人具有的个性特征或者性格。

5. part:强调某人在整体中所扮演的局部角色。

Synonyms and Usage:

1. position: refers to the specific job or role that someone holds in society, an organization, or a group.

2. function: refers to the purpose or responsibility that someone plays in a particular situation.

3. duty: refers to the obligation or responsibility that someone is required to fulfill.

4. character: refers to the personality traits or qualities that someone possesses.

5. part: emphasizes the specific role that someone plays within a larger whole.




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