
英语听力2024-03-28 19:56:08小编



RQ是什么意思(英文):RQ is the abbreviation for "request", commonly used in online communication to indicate making a request or demand to someone.

怎么读(音标):/ɑːrˈkjuː/ (英式发音)


例句1:Could you RQ a copy of the report for me?(你能给我要一份报告的副本吗?)

Sentence 1: Could you RQ a copy of the report for me?

例句2:She RQed her boss to give her a raise.(她向老板提出加薪的要求。)

Sentence 2: She RQed her boss to give her a raise.

例句3:I have an RQ, can you help me with it?(我有一个请求,你能帮我吗?)

Sentence 3: I have an RQ, can you help me with it?

例句4:He sent an RQ to the customer service department.(他向客服部门发出了一个请求。)

Sentence 4: He sent an RQ to the customer service department.

例句5:The company received numerous RQs for product improvements.(公司收到了很多关于产品改进的请求。)

Sentence 5: The company received numerous RQs for product improvements.

同义词及用法:RQ的同义词包括"ask for"、"demand"、"petition"等,它们都可以表示请求或要求的意思。但是RQ更常用于网络交流中,而其他同义词则更常用于书面语言或正式场合。



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