
英语听力2024-03-28 22:33:13小编


意思: sail是一个英文单词,意思是“航行”或者“航海”。

怎么读(音标): [seɪl]

用法: sail可以作为动词和名词使用。作为动词时,意为“航行”、“驾驶船只”;作为名词时,指的是“帆布”、“帆船”。


1. The ship sailed smoothly across the ocean. (这艘船在海上平稳地航行。)

2. He loves to sail on the weekends. (他喜欢在周末出海航行。)

3. The sailors hoisted the sails and set off on their journey. (水手们升起了帆,开始了他们的旅程。)

4. We could see a sail in the distance, but we couldn't make out what kind of ship it was. (我们可以看到远处有一艘帆船,但我们无法辨认出它是什么类型的船只。)

5. The yacht sailed gracefully into the harbor, its white sails billowing in the wind. (游艇优雅地驶入港口,它的白色帆布在风中飘扬。)


1. Navigate: 指导方向、驾驶或操纵船只前进。

例句:The captain expertly navigated the ship through rough waters.


2. Cruise: 指乘船或驾车巡游。

例句:We decided to take a cruise around the islands.


3. Voyage: 指长途旅行,特别是指海上旅行。

例句:Their voyage lasted for six months before they reached their destination.


4. Float: 指漂浮在水上或空中。

例句:The children made paper boats and watched them float down the stream.


5. Cruise: 指乘船或驾车巡游。

例句:The ship cruised along the coast, giving us a beautiful view of the shoreline.





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