
英语听力2024-03-29 06:52:09小编


1. 意思:感觉,知觉,感知,感官体验

2. 怎么读:[senˈseɪʃənz]

3. 用法:名词,复数形式

4. 例句:

1) The sensations of the warm sun and cool breeze made her feel alive.(温暖的阳光和凉爽的微风让她感觉活着。)

2) She closed her eyes and focused on the sensations in her body.(她闭上眼睛,专注于身体的感觉。)

3) The rollercoaster ride gave me a rush of sensations, from fear to excitement.(过山车的旅程给我带来了一连串的感觉,从恐惧到兴奋。)

4) The artist's paintings evoke strong sensations of nostalgia and longing.(艺术家的画作唤起了强烈的怀旧和渴望的感觉。)

5) She described the taste of the exotic fruit with such vivid sensations that I could almost taste it myself.(她用生动的感觉描述了异国情调水果的味道,我几乎可以品尝到它。)

5. 同义词及用法:

同义词:perceptions, feelings, experiences, impressions


6. 编辑总结:



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