
英语听力2024-03-29 08:02:12小编


setout [sɛtˈaʊt]

英文释义:to start a journey, task or activity; to begin something with a particular aim or goal in mind





setout通常作为及物动词使用,后接名词或代词作宾语,也可接不定式作宾语补足语。常见搭配有set out to do something(开始做某事)、set out on a journey(开始旅行)、set out a plan(制定计划)等。


1. He set out on a journey to explore the unknown lands.(他出发去探索未知的土地。)

2. The company has set out a new marketing strategy to increase sales.(公司制定了新的营销策略来增加销售额。)

3. We must set out our goals and objectives clearly before starting the project.(在开始项目之前,我们必须清楚地设定我们的目标和目的。)

4. The government has set out plans to improve the education system.(已经制定了改善教育的计划。)

5. She set out with determination to achieve her dreams.(她带着决心去实现她的梦想。)


1. embark: to begin a journey or course of action

例句:They embarked on a new adventure together.

同义词:set out on, start out on

2. commence: to begin or start something

例句:The meeting will commence at 9am.

同义词:start, begin, set out

3. initiate: to cause or start something

例句:He initiated the project and saw it through to the end.

同义词:start, launch, set in motion

4. embark on: to start something new or important

例句:She embarked on a new career after retiring from her previous job.

同义词:begin, set out on, undertake

5. undertake: to make a commitment to do something; to take responsibility for something

例句:We have undertaken the task of renovating the old building.

同义词:undertake, take on, assume


setout是一个常见的动词,意为开始旅程、任务或活动,带着特定的目标或目的开始某事。它可以作为及物动词使用,后接名词或代词作宾语,也可接不定式作宾语补足语。常见的搭配有set out to do something(开始做某事)、set out on a journey(开始旅行)、set out a plan(制定计划)等。其同义词包括embark、commence、initiate、embark on和undertake等。熟练掌握这些同义词的用法可以丰富语言表达,提高写作水平。


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