
英语听力2024-03-29 08:16:09小编



英文:Set_down refers to placing something in a fixed position or state, or specifying someone or something as a standard or norm. This word has different meanings in different contexts, but they are all related to "placement" or "determination".

怎么读(音标):/set daʊn/


1. 将某物放置在一个固定的位置或状态。:

- Please set down the book on the table.(请把书放在桌子上。)

- The plane set down safely on the runway.(飞机安全降落在跑道上。)

2. 指定某人或者某物作为标准或规范。:

- The teacher set down clear rules for the students to follow.(老师制定了清晰的规则让学生遵守。)

- The company has set down strict requirements for its employees.(公司已经制定了严格要求给员工。)

3. 写下,记录下来。:

- I need to set down my thoughts in my journal every night.(我每晚都需要把自己的想法记录在日记本里。)

- The historian set down the details of the battle in his book.(历史学家把战役的细节记录在书中。)

4. 放下,放松。:

- After a long day of work, I just want to set down and relax.(工作了一整天后,我只想坐下来放松一下。)

- The baby finally set down and fell asleep in her crib.(宝宝终于安静下来,在婴儿床上睡着了。)


1. Please set down the groceries on the kitchen counter.(请把杂货放在厨房柜台上。)

2. The judge set down strict sentencing guidelines for the defendant.(为被告制定了严格的判决指南。)

3. He always sets down his thoughts in a notebook before making any decisions.(他总是在做出决定之前把自己的想法写在笔记本里。)

4. After the long hike, we finally set down to have a picnic by the lake.(长途徒步后,我们终于坐下来在湖边野餐。)

5. The company has set down a new dress code for its employees to follow.(公司已经为员工制定了新的着装规范供其遵循。)


1. Place:指将某物放置在一个位置或状态,强调动作。

2. Lay:通常指将某物平放在一个表面上,也可以指定某人或某物作为标准。

3. Establish:指建立某物的基础或者确定某物的存在。

4. Record:指将信息或数据记录下来,也可以指定某人或某物作为标准。

5. Relax:指放松身心,也可以指放下某物。




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