
英语听力2024-03-29 12:08:12小编




shoot [ʃuːt]


1. 作为动词:

(1) 射击:指用、弓等武器发射子弹、箭等。常见搭配有shoot at/into/towards等。

例句:The hunters were ready to shoot at the approaching deer. 猎人们准备朝着走近的鹿开。

(2) 发射:指用机器或装置将物体投出。常见搭配有shoot out/off/down等。

例句:The rocket was successfully shot into space. 火箭成功地发射进入太空。

(3) 拍摄:指用摄影机或摄像机记录影像。常见搭配有shoot a film/movie/scene等。

例句:The director is shooting a new movie in this city. 导演正在这座城市拍摄一部新电影。

(4) 成长:指植物的茎、枝条迅速生长。常见搭配有shoot up/grow等。

例句:The bamboo shoots grew quickly in the rainy season. 竹笋在雨季迅速生长。

(5) 拍摄;录制:指用相机或录音设备记录。常见搭配有shoot a photo/picture/clip等。

例句:The photographer shot some amazing photos of the sunset. 摄影师拍摄了一些美妙的日落照片。

2. 作为名词:

(1) 枝条;嫩芽:指植物的幼小部分。常见搭配有new shoots/green shoots等。

例句:The plant has grown new shoots after being pruned. 这棵植物经过修剪后长出了新枝条。

(2) 射击;射手:指射击运动或参与射击的人。常见搭配有a shoot competition/an expert shooter等。

例句:She won the gold medal in the shooting competition. 她在射击比赛中获得了金牌。


1. The police officer shouted at the suspect to drop his weapon before shooting him. 官大声喊道要求嫌疑人放下武器,然后开打他。

2. The fireworks show will shoot off at 9pm tonight. 今晚9点将发射烟花表演。

3. The director decided to shoot the movie on location instead of using a studio set. 导演决定在实地拍摄电影,而不是使用影棚。

4. The young boy shot up several inches in just one year. 这个小男孩在一年内身高长了好几英寸。

5. I'll shoot a quick photo of you with this beautiful scenery as the background. 我会给你拍一张快照,让这美丽的风景作为背景。


1. fire:指用、炮等发射武器或火灾的发生。常与at/upon等搭配。

例句:The soldiers fired at the enemy's position. 士们向敌阵地开火。

2. launch:指用机器或装置将物体投出,也可指开始进行某项活动。常与into/on/into space等搭配。

例句:The company is planning to launch a new product next month. 公司计划下个月推出一款新产品。

3. film:指用摄影机记录影像,也可指电影。常与a movie/a scene等搭配。

例句:The documentary filmmaker spent months shooting footage in the rainforest. 这位纪录片导演花了数月时间在雨林中拍摄素材。

4. sprout:指植物的嫩芽迅速生长,也可比喻为事物的开始。常与from/out of等搭配。

例句:The seeds sprouted after a week of being planted. 种子在种植一周后发芽。

5. photograph:指用相机拍摄照片,也可指照片本身。常与a picture/a portrait等搭配。

例句:She loves to photograph landscapes and nature. 她喜欢拍摄风景和自然照片。




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