
英语听力2024-03-29 13:30:28小编





shut_off [ʃʌt ɒf]


1. shut off something 意为“关闭某物”,常用于指电源、水源等。:

- Please remember to shut off the lights before leaving the room.


- The water supply will be shut off for maintenance tomorrow.


2. shut someone off 意为“使某人隔绝”,常用于指情感上的隔绝。:

- She has shut herself off from the outside world since her husband's death.


- Don't shut me off like this, I need your support.


3. shut something off 意为“切断某物”,常用于指电路、供应等。:

- The engineer quickly shut off the gas supply to prevent an explosion.


- The power company will have to shut off electricity in this area for a few hours due to maintenance work.



1. The plumber shut off the water supply before fixing the leak.


2. The teacher shut off her emotions while dealing with the difficult situation.


3. The government has decided to shut off all access to the internet in the country.


4. The police officer shut off the main road to allow the marathon runners to pass through.


5. He shut himself off from his friends after losing his job.



1. turn off 意为“关闭”,常用于指物理上的关闭,也可以指上的隔绝。

2. cut off 意为“切断”,常用于指电路、供应等。

3. isolate 意为“孤立”,常用于指上的隔绝。

4. disconnect 意为“断开连接”,常用于指物理上的切断。

5. block 意为“阻止”,常用于指阻止信息、人员等的流动。


shut_off是一个常用的动词短语,意为“关闭”,“切断”,“停止”。它可以指物理上的关闭,也可以指上的隔绝。在使用时,需要根据语境选择合适的用法。为了避免重复使用,可以尝试使用同义词进行替换。同时,也可以根据具体情况使用一些相关的短语,如shut down、shut out等。总之,掌握好shut_off的用法能够帮助我们更准确地表达自己的意思。


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