
英语听力2024-03-29 19:28:10小编




英文解释:having a surface or consisting of a substance that is perfectly regular and has no roughness, lumps, or uneven parts; not rough or wrinkled; free from irregularities; even and regular in operation or movement; without difficulties or problems



1. 作形容词时,表示表面平滑、没有粗糙感或不规则;也可以指运行或移动时没有困难或问题。

例:The table was smooth to the touch. (这张桌子摸起来很光滑。)

Their relationship had been anything but smooth. (他们之间的关系一直都很不顺利。)

2. 作名词时,表示柔和、舒适、无忧无虑。

例:He enjoyed the smooth of the ocean breeze. (他享受着海风的柔和。)

3. 作动词时,表示使表面变得平滑或使运行顺利。

例:She smoothed her hair with her hand. (她用手抚平了头发。)

The new manager is trying to smooth out the company's operations. (新经理正在努力调整公司的运营情况。)

4. 常用搭配:

- smooth out: 解决问题,消除困难

- smooth over: 平息争端,缓和关系

- smooth talker: 善于说话的人


1. The surface of the lake was as smooth as glass, reflecting the blue sky above. (湖面如同镜子般平滑,映衬着上方的蓝天。)

(同义句:The lake was smooth as a mirror, reflecting the blue sky above.)

2. The new moisturizer made her skin feel incredibly smooth and soft. (新的润肤霜让她的皮肤感觉非常光滑柔软。)

(同义句:The new moisturizer left her skin feeling incredibly smooth and soft.)

3. The transition from one scene to the next was so smooth that I didn't even notice it. (从一幕到下一幕的过渡非常流畅,我甚至都没注意到。)

(同义句:The shift from one scene to the next was so seamless that I didn't even notice it.)

4. She used a smoothing iron to get rid of the wrinkles in her dress before the party. (她在派对前用熨斗把裙子上的皱纹去除了。)

(同义句:She used an iron to flatten out the wrinkles in her dress before the party.)

5. The company's CEO is known for being a smooth talker, able to charm anyone with his words. (这家公司的CEO以善于说话而闻名,能够用言辞迷住任何人。)

(同义句:The company's CEO is known for his ability to smooth talk and charm anyone with his words.)


1. sleek:光滑的,平滑的,指外表或表面非常平整、有光泽。

例:The cat's sleek coat gleamed in the sunlight. (猫咪光滑的毛发在阳光下闪耀。)

2. polished:抛光的,指经过处理后表面变得非常平滑。

例:The marble floor was polished to a high shine. (大理石地板被抛光得极其亮眼。)

3. even:平坦的,指表面没有任何凹凸不平。

例:She walked on the even surface of the pavement. (她走在人行道上平坦的表面。)

4. silky:丝般柔软的,指触感柔软、顺滑如丝绸。

例:Her hair was so silky that it felt like running your fingers through silk. (她的头发非常柔软,摸起来就像是抚摸丝绸一样。)

5. effortless:毫不费力的,指运动或动作轻松自如、没有困难。

例:He made cooking look effortless, but in reality it took a lot of practice and skill. (他做饭看起来轻松自如,但实际上需要很多练习和技巧。)


Smooth一词可以作形容词、名词和动词使用,表示表面平滑、运行顺利或舒适无忧。其常用搭配有“smooth out”和“smooth over”,还有“smooth talker”这一短语。同义词包括sleek、polished、even、silky和effortless。在写作时,可以根据具体语境选择合适的同义词来替换,以免重复使用相同的词汇。


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