
英语听力2024-03-30 00:09:06小编


意思:非常令人失望的,让人感到极其沮丧的。(very disappointing, causing extreme disappointment)

怎么读:[səʊ ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntɪŋ]



- The movie's ending was so disappointing that I regretted spending money on a ticket.


- The team's performance in the final game was so disappointing that their fans left the stadium early.



- It's so disappointing to see all of our hard work go to waste because of one careless mistake.


- The food at this restaurant is always so disappointing, I don't understand why people keep coming back.



- I had such high expectations for this book, but it turned out to be so disappointing.


- The weather forecast said it would be sunny all week, but the constant rain has been so disappointing.



- It's so disappointing that we won't be able to go on our trip because of the pandemic.


- The company's decision to downsize was so disappointing for all of the employees who were laid off.



- I was really looking forward to trying this new restaurant, but the food was so disappointing that I don't think I'll go back.


- The students were so disappointed when their field trip was cancelled due to bad weather.



1. Disheartening (使人沮丧的):与so_disappointing意思相近,也可以用来描述令人失望的事物或情况。

例句:The team's loss in the championship game was disheartening for their fans.(球队在冠赛中的失利让他们的粉丝感到沮丧。)

2. Frustrating (令人沮丧的):也可以用来形容令人失望的事物,但更强调因为无法达到预期目标而产生的挫败感。

例句:It's so frustrating to study hard for a test and still fail.(努力学习考试却依然失败真是太令人沮丧了。)

3. Displeasing (令人不快的):与so_disappointing意思相近,但更偏重于描述令人不满意或不愉快的事物。

例句:The service at this restaurant is always displeasing, I don't know why people keep coming back.(这家餐厅的服务总是让人不满意,我不明白为什么还有人会再来。)

4. Unsatisfactory (不令人满意的):也可以用来形容令人失望的事物,但更强调对结果或表现不满意。

例句:The quality of the product was unsatisfactory, so I returned it to the store.(产品质量不符合要求,所以我把它退回商店了。)




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