
英语听力2024-03-30 03:21:54小编







1. 作为及物动词,spread-out可以指将某物展开或者铺开,使其分布更广泛。:

- Please spread out the map on the table so we can all see it clearly.(请把地图铺开放在桌子上,这样我们都能清楚地看到。)

- The farmer spread out the seeds evenly across the field.(农民把种子均匀地撒在田地里。)

2. 作为不及物动词,spread-out可以指某物自行展开或者扩散。:

- The umbrella spread out as soon as I opened it.(我打开伞时,它就自己展开了。)

- The fire quickly spread out to the neighboring houses.(火灾迅速蔓延到附近的房屋。)

3. 作为名词,spread-out可以指一种局面或者状态的描述,即“分散;扩散”。:

- The spread-out of the virus has caused a global health crisis.(病毒的扩散导致了全球的健康危机。)

- The spread-out of information through social media has changed the way we communicate.(通过社交媒体传播信息已经改变了我们的沟通方式。)


1. The dancers spread out across the stage, creating a beautiful and dynamic performance.(舞者们在舞台上分散开来,创造出一场美妙而动感的表演。)

2. The virus is spreading out rapidly, and we need to take measures to contain it.(病毒正在迅速扩散,我们需要采取措施来它。)

3. The picnic blanket was spread out under the shade of a tree, providing a comfortable spot for us to enjoy our lunch.(野餐毯子铺在树荫下,为我们提供了一个舒适的地方享用午餐。)

4. After the earthquake, many people had to spread out and live in temporary shelters until their homes were rebuilt.(地震之后,许多人不得不分散开来住在临时避难所,直到他们的家园重建完成。)

5. The news of the celebrity's scandal quickly spread out on social media, causing a stir among his fans.(这位名人丑闻的消息很快在社交媒体上传播开来,在他的粉丝中引起了轰动。)


1. Scatter:指将物体或者人群分散开来,但通常带有随意或者无序的意味。:“The students scattered around the classroom to find their seats.”(学生们在教室里四处走动,找到自己的座位。)

2. Disperse:指将物体或者人群分散开来,但通常带有被迫或者强制的意味。:“The police used tear gas to disperse the crowd.”(使用催泪瓦斯驱散人群。)

3. Spread:可以用作及物动词,也可以用作不及物动词,与spread-out的含义相似,但更常用于抽象的情况或者信息的传播。“The news of the accident quickly spread throughout the town.”(事故的消息迅速传遍了整个城镇。)




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