
英语听力2024-03-30 05:50:09小编



怎么读(音标):[steɪt ˈsoʊʃəl səˈkjʊrəti]


例句1:The government is responsible for managing the state social security system.(负责管理社会保障制度。)

例句2:The state social security system plays an important role in ensuring the well-being of citizens.(社会保障制度在确保公民福祉方面起着重要作用。)

例句3:Many people rely on the state social security system to support their daily expenses.(许多人依靠社会保障制度来支持他们的日常开销。)

例句4:The state social security system has been improved in recent years to better serve the needs of citizens.(近年来,社会保障制度得到了改善,以更好地满足公民的需求。)

例句5:The state social security system covers a wide range of benefits, including healthcare, retirement, and unemployment insurance.(社会保障制度涵盖了广泛的福利,包括医疗保险、养老保险和失业保险。)

同义词及用法:state welfare、national social security、government-provided social security(福利、社会保障、提供的社会保障)。

编辑总结:State_social_security是指由提供的各种社会保障服务和福利,旨在保障公民的基本生活需求和社会安全。它包括医疗保险、养老保险、失业保险、工伤保险和生育保险等多种形式。作为一个名词使用,通常用于描述提供的各种社会保障服务和福利。同义词有state welfare、national social security和government-provided social security。


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