
英语听力2024-03-30 06:26:15小编


- steel_door是什么意思(中英文)解释的意思:


steel_door is a door made of steel, usually used in industrial buildings or places with high security requirements. It is characterized by its durability, fire and theft resistance, and is often used as the main entrance or to protect important items.

- 怎么读(音标):

英 [stiːl dɔːr] 美 [stil dɔr]

- 用法:


Steel doors are usually referred to as strong, durable, fire and theft resistant doors that can be used as the main entrance or to protect important items. They can be used alone or in combination with other security facilities to improve overall security performance.

- 例句1-5句且中英对照:

1. The steel door at the entrance of the bank is equipped with advanced security features to prevent unauthorized access.


2. The warehouse manager installed steel doors to protect the valuable goods inside.


3. The steel door was dented after being hit by a forklift, but it remained intact and prevented any damage to the contents inside.


4. The steel door is equipped with a digital lock, making it difficult for thieves to break in.


5. In order to enhance the security of the office building, the management decided to replace all wooden doors with steel doors.


- 同义词及用法:

1. Metal door:指由金属材料制成的门,包括铁、铝、铜等。与steel_door相比,metal door的材质范围更广泛,但一般不具备防火防盗功能。

2. Security door:指专门用于提高安全性能的门,可以是钢门、木门或者其他材料。与steel_door相比,security door更侧重于提供安全保障。

3. Fireproof door:指具有防火功能的门,通常由耐高温材料制成。与steel_door相比,fireproof door更注重防火性能。

4. Blast-proof door:指具有防爆功能的门,通常用于防范恐怖袭击或者爆炸危险场所。与steel_door相比,blast-proof door更强调防爆能力。

5. Reinforced door:指经过加固处理的门,具有更高的抗压能力。与steel_door相比,reinforced door可以承受更大的外力。

- 编辑总结:

steel_door是一种由钢材制成的门,具有坚固耐用、防火防盗等特点,在工业建筑和高安全性要求的场所得到广泛应用。它可以作为主要或者保护重要物品的隔离,并可以与其他安全设施配合使用,提高整体安全性能。与metal door、security door、fireproof door、blast-proof door和reinforced door等同义词相比,steel_door更加注重其钢材质地和综合安全性能。


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