
英语听力2024-03-30 08:49:07小编




Strengthen is a verb that means "to make stronger or more powerful". It can refer to physical strength or mental strength. For example: "He is working hard to strengthen his physical training" and "This plan aims to strengthen our relationship with the clients".


strengthen的音标为 /ˈstrɛŋθən/。


strengthen通常用作及物动词,后接宾语。也可用作不及物动词,表示自我加强或变得更强大。此外,还有一些常见的搭配词组,如strengthen one's position(巩固地位)、strengthen one's resolve(坚定决心)、strengthen one's immune system(增强免疫)等。

Strengthen is usually used as a transitive verb, followed by an object. It can also be used as an intransitive verb, meaning to become stronger or more powerful. In addition, there are some common collocations, such as strengthen one's position, strengthen one's resolve, strengthen one's immune system, etc.


1. The new exercise routine will help strengthen your muscles.(新的锻炼计划会帮助你加强肌肉)

2. We need to strengthen our security measures to prevent any potential threats.(我们需要加强安全措施,防止任何潜在的威胁)

3. The company is looking for ways to strengthen its market share.(公司正在寻找方法来增强市场份额)

4. She is determined to strengthen her language skills by practicing every day.(她决心通过每天练习来增强自己的语言能力)

5. The government has implemented policies to strengthen the economy.(已经实施了一些来加强经济)


1. Enhance:意为“提高,增强”,与strengthen的意思相似,但更多指通过改善或增加某些因素来使某物变得更好。:“这个产品可以增强你的皮肤光泽”。

2. Boost:意为“提升,增加”,与strengthen相似,但更多指通过外部力量或手段来使某物变得更好。:“这项将会给经济带来巨大的提升”。

3. Fortify:意为“加固,巩固”,与strengthen相似,但更多指通过加强防御措施来保护某物。:“我们需要加强城墙的防御能力”。

4. Intensify:意为“加强,增强”,与strengthen相似,但更多指使某物变得更强烈或更明显。:“这场暴风雨会使风力加强”。

1. Enhance: means "to improve or increase", similar to strengthen, but more often refers to making something better by improving or adding certain factors. For example: "This product can enhance the radiance of your skin".

2. Boost: means "to raise or increase", similar to strengthen, but more often refers to making something better through external forces or means. For example: "This policy will bring a huge boost to the economy".

3. Fortify: means "to strengthen or reinforce", similar to strengthen, but more often refers to protecting something by strengthening defense measures. For example: "We need to fortify the walls for better defense".

4. Intensify: means "to make stronger or more intense", similar to strengthen, but more often refers to making something stronger or more noticeable. For example: "The storm will intensify the winds".




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