
英语听力2024-03-30 10:49:08小编





Subjection的发音为/səbˈdʒekʃ(ə)n/,其中“s”发音为/s/,“u”发音为/ə/, “b”发音为/b/,“j”发音为/dʒ/, “e”发音为/e/,“c”发音为/k/,“t”发音为/t/,“i”发音为/iː/,“o”发音为/oʊ/,“n”发音为/n/。


1. Subjection作为名词,可以表示被征服、受制于、屈服于的状态。:

- The subjection of the enemy was a great victory for our army. (敌人的被征服是我们的伟大胜利。)

- The subjection of women has been an ongoing issue in many societies. (妇女的受制于男性已成为许多社会持续存在的问题。)

2. Subjection也可以指被迫服从或遵守某种规则或权威。:

- He refused to live under the subjection of his parents and moved out at the age of 18. (他拒绝在父母的支配下生活,18岁时就搬了出去。)

- The subjection to strict laws and regulations has caused many businesses to struggle. (对严格的法律法规的遵守使得许多企业陷入困境。)


1. The subjection of the people to the tyrannical ruler lasted for decades until a revolution finally overthrew the government.


2. The subjection of animals in circuses and zoos has been a controversial ic for animal rights activists.


3. The subjection to peer pressure can lead teenagers to make risky decisions.


4. The country was under the subjection of a foreign power for many years before gaining independence.


5. She refused to live in subjection to her husband's demands and decided to file for divorce.



1. Submission:作为名词,意为“服从、顺从、屈服”。与subjection的区别在于,submission更强调自愿地服从,而subjection则更多指被迫或受制于某种权威。

- The king demanded the submission of all his subjects. (国王要求所有臣民的顺从。)

- After years of subjection to her husband's demands, she finally found the courage to leave him. (在多年受丈夫要求的后,她终于找到勇气离开他。)

2. Domination:作为名词,意为“、、支配”。与subjection的区别在于,domination更强调权力和的力量。

- The domination of one country over another often leads to conflict. (一个对另一个的往往会导致。)

- She refused to live under the domination of her overbearing boss and found a new job. (她拒绝在专横的老板的支配下工作,并找到了新工作。)




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