
英语听力2024-03-30 12:24:08小编


- 意思:_squad是指一支由式任务组成的特殊,通常由极具勇气、决心和牺牲的成员组成,他们被派遣执行危险且几乎不可能完成的任务。

- 怎么读(音标):[ˈsuːɪsaɪd skwɑːd]

- 用法:_squad通常用作专有名词,指代DC漫画中的反派团队,也可用于形容类似的特殊或团体。

- 例句1:The Suicide Squad was sent on a mission to infiltrate the enemy's stronghold and retrieve -secret information.


- 例句2:Being a member of the squad requires not only physical strength, but also strong mental fortitude.


- 例句3:The government formed a squad to take down a notorious drug lord who has been evading capture for years.


- 例句4:The members of the squad are willing to sacrifice their own lives for the greater good.


- 例句5:The squad was successful in their mission, but at a great cost.


- 同义词及用法:self-sacrificing team(牺牲自我的团队)、special ops team(特种作战团队)、 mission(式任务)

- 编辑总结:_squad一词源于DC漫画,指一支由勇敢、决心和牺牲的成员组成的特殊,通常被派遣执行危险且几乎不可能完成的任务。除了在漫画和电影中使用,该词也可用于形容类似的特殊或团体。


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