
英语听力2024-03-30 13:33:11小编





superfly [ˈsuːpəflaɪ]


1. 作为形容词,通常放在名词前面,表示某人或某物具有非常出色、吸引人的外表或品质。

- Her superfly outfit caught everyone's attention at the party. (她那身超级时髦的服装在派对上吸引了所有人的注意力。)

- The new smartphone is superfly with its sleek design and advanced features. (这款新智能手机设计精美、功能先进,非常出色。)

2. 作为名词,通常用来形容那些具有炫目、令人印象深刻特质的人或物。

- He is a real superfly with his sharp dressing sense and charming personality. (他真是个衣着敏锐、个性迷人的超级时髦的人。)

- The superfly of the fashion industry, she always sets the trend with her unique style. (作为时尚界的超级时髦人物,她总是以独特的风格引领潮流。)


1. The superfly sports car caught everyone's attention as it zoomed past. (这辆超级时髦的跑车飞驰而过,吸引了所有人的注意力。)

2. She is known for her superfly fashion sense and always stands out in a crowd. (她以其超级时髦的时尚感而闻名,在人群中总是脱颖而出。)

3. The new restaurant in town is superfly with its trendy decor and delicious menu. (这家城里新开张的餐厅装修时尚、菜单美味,非常出色。)

4. As a filmmaker, he always tries to create superfly visuals that leave a lasting impression on the audience. (作为一名电影制作人,他总是努力创造令观众印象深刻的超级时髦影像。)

5. Her latest album is a perfect blend of soulful lyrics and superfly beats. (她最新专辑将充满灵魂意义的歌词和超级时髦的节奏完美融合在一起。)


1. trendy:时髦的,流行的。与superfly相似,但更强调跟随潮流的感觉。

- She always wears trendy clothes and follows the latest fashion trends. (她总是穿着时髦的衣服,追随最新的时尚潮流。)

- The new nightclub is known for its trendy atmosphere and popular music. (这家新开张的夜总会以其时髦的氛围和流行音乐而闻名。)

2. stylish:时尚的,有风格的。与superfly相似,但更强调个人品味和风格。

- She has a stylish sense of dressing and always looks elegant. (她具有时尚的穿衣品味,总是看起来优雅动人。)

- The boutique offers a range of stylish clothing for both men and women. (这家精品店为男女提供各种时尚服装。)

3. slick:光滑的,精巧的。与superfly相似,但更强调外表和外观。

- The new car has a slick design that makes it stand out on the road. (这辆新车设计精巧、引人注目,在路上很显眼。)

- He has a slick hairstyle that always catches people's attention. (他有一头精致、吸引人眼球的发型。)




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