
英语听力2024-03-30 14:40:08小编




surges [sɜːrdʒɪz]


作为动词时,surges通常用来描述某种物质、感情或力量突然增加或涌现的情况。:The crowd surged forward, eager to catch a glimpse of the celebrity.(人群向前涌去,渴望一睹名人风采。)Surges也可以用来指水流、电流等的突然增加。:The river surged after the heavy rain.(暴雨后河水暴涨。)

作为名词时,surges通常指某种强烈的感情或力量的爆发或表现。:The surge of anger in his voice was palpable.(他话语中愤怒的情绪明显可见。)Surges也可以指某种趋势或现象的快速增长。:There has been a surge in interest for sustainable living in recent years.(近年来,人们对可持续生活方式的兴趣迅速增长。)


1. The stock market experienced a sudden surge yesterday, with the index rising by 3%.(股市昨天突然大涨,指数上涨了3%。)

2. The surge of in her body gave her the strength to lift the heavy object.(体内肾上腺素的激增给了她力量,让她能够举起沉重的物体。)

3. The sudden surge of emotion caught her off guard and she burst into tears.(突然涌起的情绪让她措手不及,她哭了出来。)

4. The surge of support for the new policy was unexpected but welcomed by the government.(对新的支持激增让感到意外但也受到欢迎。)

5. The surge of tourists during peak season puts a strain on local resources and infrastructure.(旅游旺季的游客激增给当地资源和基础设施带来压力。)


1. Rise: 指物质、感情或力量逐渐增加或提高,与surge相比更加平缓和持续。:The sun rises in the east every morning.(太阳每天早上从东方升起。)The rise of nationalism in Europe has been a gradual process over the past decade.(过去十年中,欧洲民族主义的兴起是一个逐渐的过程。)

2. Increase: 指数量、程度或强度变大,与surge相比更加普遍和常见。:The company has seen a significant increase in profits this year.(该公司今年的利润大幅增长。)The number of students in the class has increased from 20 to 30.(班级学生人数从20人增加到了30人。)

3. Spike: 指数量、程度或强度突然增加,与surge相比更加突然和短暂。:There was a spike in crime rates during the holiday season.(假期期间犯罪率激增。)The sudden spike in temperature caught everyone by surprise.(温度的突然上升让每个人都感到意外。)




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