
英语听力2024-03-30 15:20:38小编







1. 作为及物动词,sustains可以指物理上的支撑或维持某种状态。:

- The bridge was not strong enough to sustain the weight of the truck. (这座桥不够坚固,无法承受卡车的重量。)

- She sustained a serious injury in the accident. (她在事故中受了重伤。)

2. 作为及物动词,sustains还可以指上的支持或保持某种状态。:

- The love and care of his family has sustained him through difficult times. (他家人的爱和关怀在艰难时期给予了他坚强的支持。)

- He sustained his determination to finish the race despite the pain in his leg. (尽管腿部疼痛,他仍然坚定地决心要完成比赛。)

3. 作为不及物动词,sustains可以指维持某种状态或保持某种能力。:

- The old man's health is not good, but he still sustains well. (老人的健康状况不佳,但他仍然保持得很好。)

- The company sustained its position as the market leader for many years. (这家公司多年来一直保持着市场领导者的地位。)

4. sustain还可以作为名词使用,意为“支撑力;维持力”。:

- The bridge was built to withstand the sustain of strong winds. (这座桥是为了经受大风的支撑力而建造的。)


1. The athlete sustained a serious injury during the competition and had to withdraw from the race. (这位运动员在比赛中受了重伤,不得不退出比赛。)

2. She sustained her energy and determination throughout the long journey. (她在漫长的旅途中保持着精力和决心。)

3. The building was not able to sustain the impact of the earthquake and collapsed. (这栋建筑无法承受地震的冲击而倒塌。)

4. His family's love and support have sustained him through difficult times in his career. (他的家人的爱和支持在他职业生涯中给予了他坚强的支撑。)

5. The company's profits have been sustained at a steady level for the past five years. (过去五年里,这家公司的利润一直保持在稳定的水平。)


1. maintain:意为“维持;保持”。与sustain类似,也可以指物理上的支撑或上的支持。:

- The government is trying to maintain peace in the region. (正试图在该地区维持和平。)

- She maintained her composure despite the difficult situation. (尽管处境困难,她仍然保持着镇静。)

2. uphold:意为“维护;支持;坚持”。与sustain相比,更强调对某种价值观念或信念的支持和坚守。:

- We must uphold the principles of justice and equality. (我们必须坚守公正和平等的原则。)

- The lawyer will do his best to uphold his client's rights. (律师会尽全力维护客户的权利。)

3. support:意为“支撑;支持”。与sustain相比,更常用于指物理上的支撑或上的鼓励和帮助。:

- The shelf is not strong enough to support the weight of these books. (这个架子不够坚固,无法承受这些书的重量。)

- I am grateful for all the support and encouragement from my friends during this difficult time. (在这段困难时期,我感谢朋友们给予的所有支持和鼓励。)




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