
英语听力2024-03-30 17:22:35小编




Swoosh (noun): a rushing or whooshing sound; the sound of something moving quickly

Swoosh (verb): to make a swooshing sound; to move with a swooshing sound




1. 作为名词:

- The swoosh of the wind through the trees was calming.


- The basketball player's swoosh as he made a slam dunk was electrifying.


2. 作为动词:

- The broom swooshed across the floor, cleaning up all the dirt.


- The curtains swooshed open as the wind blew through the window.


3. 指代耐克商标:

- The new Nike sneakers have the iconic swoosh on the side.


- The swoosh is instantly recognizable as the symbol of Nike.



1. The skier's swoosh down the mountain was a blur of speed and grace. (滑雪者在山上嗖嗖地滑下,速度和优雅的身姿让人目不暇接。)

2. I could hear the swoosh of cars passing by on the highway from my bedroom window. (我可以从卧室窗户听到高速公路上汽车驶过时发出的嗖嗖声。)

3. As soon as she opened her umbrella, the rain started to swoosh against it. (她一打开伞,雨水就开始嗖嗖地打在上面。)

4. The basketball player's signature move was a swooshing layup that always impressed the crowd. (这位篮球运动员的招牌动作是一个快速滑动上篮,总能让观众印象深刻。)

5. The swoosh on the side of the sneakers glowed in the dark, making them easy to spot during a nighttime run. (运动鞋侧面的勾勾图案在黑暗中发光,让它们在夜跑时容易被。)


1. Whoosh: 同样指快速移动时产生的嗖嗖声,但更多用于描述空气、水流等的声音。

- The whoosh of the wind through the trees was deafening.


- The whoosh of water from the shower was soothing after a long day.


2. Swish: 也可以指快速移动时产生的声音,但更多用于形容衣服或物体摩擦时发出的沙沙声。

- Her dress swished as she walked down the hallway.


- The branches swished against the window during the storm.





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