
英语听力2024-03-30 17:32:24小编



Sydney Morning Herald是悉尼晨报的意思,它是澳大利亚最古老的报纸之一,也是澳大利亚最具影响力的报纸之一。它于1831年创办,至今已有近200年的历史。它以其深入报道、经济、社会和文化新闻而闻名,被誉为“澳大利亚最好的报纸”。

Sydney Morning Herald means the Sydney Morning Herald, which is one of the oldest and most influential newspapers in Australia. It was founded in 1831 and has a history of nearly 200 years. It is known for its in-depth coverage of political, economic, social and cultural news, and is hailed as "Australia's best newspaper".


Sydney Morning Herald的正确发音为/sɪdni mɔːnɪŋ hɛrəld/。

The correct pronunciation of Sydney Morning Herald is /sɪdni mɔːnɪŋ hɛrəld/.


Sydney Morning Herald通常作为单数名词使用,指代该报纸。也可以简写为SMH。

The Sydney Morning Herald is usually used as a singular noun to refer to the newspaper. It can also be abbreviated as SMH.


1. I read the Sydney Morning Herald every morning to keep up with the latest news in Australia. (我每天早上都会阅读悉尼晨报,以跟上澳大利亚的最新消息。)

2. The Sydney Morning Herald has a long history and is highly respected by readers. (悉尼晨报有着悠久的历史,深受读者的尊敬。)

3. The Sydney Morning Herald has won numerous awards for its excellent journalism. (悉尼晨报凭借出色的新闻报道获得了众多奖项。)

4. The Sydney Morning Herald's website is very user-friendly and easy to navigate. (悉尼晨报的网站非常用户友好,易于浏览。)

5. The Sydney Morning Herald has a wide readership and is considered one of the most influential newspapers in Australia. (悉尼晨报拥有广泛的读者群,被认为是澳大利亚最具影响力的报纸之一。)


1. Australian Financial Review - 澳洲金融评论报:另一家知名的经济类报纸。

2. The Age - 澳洲时代报:墨尔本地区发行的主要日报。

3. Daily Telegraph - 每日电讯:主要发行于新南威尔士州地区的日报。

4. Guardian Australia - 卫报澳大利亚版:英国卫报在澳大利亚的分支。

5. The Australian - 澳大利亚人报:澳大利亚最具影响力的全国性日报。


Sydney Morning Herald是悉尼晨报的意思,是澳大利亚最古老和最具影响力的报纸之一。它以其深入报道、经济、社会和文化新闻而闻名,并被誉为“澳大利亚最好的报纸”。正确发音为/sɪdni mɔːnɪŋ hɛrəld/,通常作为单数名词使用。除了指代该报纸外,也可以简写为SMH。其他类似的报纸包括Australian Financial Review、The Age、Daily Telegraph、Guardian Australia和The Australian。


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