
英语听力2024-03-31 02:12:09小编




Thermal shock refers to the phenomenon where an object is subjected to sudden temperature changes or temperature gradients, resulting in thermal stress that causes the object to fracture or damage. This phenomenon usually occurs when there is a sharp change between high and low temperatures, or when there is a significant temperature difference between the surface and interior of an object.


thermal_shock [ˈθɜːməl ʃɒk]



Thermal shock is commonly used as a noun, referring to the fracturing or damaging of an object caused by sudden temperature changes or temperature gradients. It can also be used as a verb, meaning to cause cracks or fractures in an object due to thermal stress.


1. The ceramic plate cracked due to thermal shock when it was placed in cold water immediately after being taken out of the oven. (当陶瓷盘子从烤箱中取出后立即放入冷水中,由于受到热应力导致裂开。)

2. The glass shattered because of thermal shock when it was exposed to extreme heat and then suddenly cooled down. (当玻璃物体遭受极高温度后突然降温时,会因为受到热应力而粉碎。)

3. The metal bridge was designed to withstand thermal shock caused by temperature fluctuations in the environment. (这座金属桥的设计考虑了环境温度变化所带来的热应力。)

4. It is important to slowly cool down hot glassware to avoid thermal shock and prevent it from breaking. (慢慢冷却炽热的玻璃器皿是很重要的,这样可以避免发生热应力并防止其损坏。)

5. The engineers conducted tests to determine the resistance of the material to thermal shock before using it in the construction of the building's facade. (工程师们在使用该材料作为建筑外立面材料之前进行了抗热应力测试。)


thermal_shock的同义词包括heat shock、temperature shock、thermal stress等。它们都指物体受到突然的温度变化或温度梯度时所产生的热应力导致物体发生破裂或损坏的现象。这些词语可以互换使用,但thermal_shock更多地用于描述物体受到热应力而发生裂纹或断裂的情况。

Heat shock、temperature shock、thermal stress等也可以用作动词,表示给物体造成热应力导致其发生裂纹或断裂。它们的用法与thermal_shock相同。




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