
英语听力2024-03-31 02:35:24小编




the_best_of_both_worlds [ðə best əv bəʊθ wɜːlds]




1. Having a remote job allows me to have the best of both worlds – I can work from home and still have a stable income.

在家工作让我能够同时享受到两全其美的情况 – 我可以在家工作,同时还能有稳定的收入。

2. The new hybrid car offers the best of both worlds – it is environmentally friendly and also has a powerful engine.

这款新混合动力汽车提供了两全其美的选择 – 它环保又拥有强劲的发动机。

3. As a bilingual person, I feel like I have the best of both worlds – I can communicate with people from different cultures and have a wider perspective.

作为一个双语者,我感觉自己拥有两全其美的选择 – 我可以和来自不同文化的人交流,拥有更广阔的视野。

4. This restaurant offers the best of both worlds – delicious food and affordable prices.

这家餐厅提供了两全其美的选择 – 美味的食物和实惠的价格。

5. The new phone combines the best of both worlds – it has a sleek design and advanced technology.

这款新手机结合了两全其美 – 它拥有时尚的设计和先进的技术。


1. Have your cake and eat it too: 这个短语也表示“两全其美”,但更强调同时享受两种好处而不需要做出任何妥协。

例句:With this new job, I can have my cake and eat it too – I can travel for work and still spend time with my family.

2. Best of both: 这个短语也表示“两全其美”,但更加简洁。

例句:The new restaurant offers the best of both – delicious food and great service.

3. Win-win situation: 这个短语指一种情况下,所有参与者都能从中获益。

例句:The partnership between the two companies is a win-win situation – they can share resources and expand their market together.


the_best_of_both_worlds是一个常用的英语短语,意思是“两全其美”的最佳选择。它可以用来形容任何事物具有两种优点或者好处的情况,也可以作为形容词来修饰名词。除了常用的“两全其美”外,还有一些同义词如have your cake and eat it too和win-win situation也可以表达类似的意思。使用the_best_of_both_worlds可以让语言更加生动,同时也能够准确地表达出某件事物具有双重优势的情况。


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