
英语听力2024-04-10 18:56:10小编




英文释义:to improve or strengthen something, especially muscles, by exercise or by using a particular product.


音标:/təʊn ʌp/


tone-up作为动词,通常用于被动语态,即be toned up。它可以指通过锻炼来改善身体健康和外观,也可以指使用某种产品来达到同样的效果。:

- Regular exercise can help you tone up your muscles and improve your overall health. (经常锻炼可以帮助你增强肌肉,改善整体健康。)

- This new cream promises to tone up your skin and reduce wrinkles. (这款新霜承诺能够改善你的皮肤,减少皱纹。)


1. She started going to the gym to tone up her body before her wedding. (她在婚礼前开始去健身房锻炼身体。)

2. The fitness trainer recommended a variety of exercises to tone up my arms and legs. (健身教练推荐了多种锻炼方法来增强我的手臂和腿部肌肉。)

3. After using this product for a month, I can see a noticeable difference in how toned up my skin looks. (使用这款产品一个月后,我可以明显感觉到皮肤的紧致度有所改善。)

4. The actress underwent intense training to tone up her body for the role of a superhero. (这位女演员为了扮演超级的角色接受了激烈的训练来塑造身体。)

5. I've been trying to tone up my abs for months, but it's not easy to get rid of belly fat. (我已经试图锻炼腹部肌肉几个月了,但是要消除腹部脂肪并不容易。)


1. strengthen:加强,强化

- Regular exercise can strengthen your muscles and improve your overall health.

- 经常锻炼可以增强你的肌肉,改善整体健康。

2. firm:使坚实,使结实

- She does yoga every day to firm up her body and improve her flexibility.

- 她每天练习瑜伽来使身体变得结实,并提高灵活性。

3. sculpt:塑造,雕刻

- The personal trainer helped her sculpt her body into a lean and toned shape.

- 私人教练帮助她把身体塑造成苗条而紧致的形状。

4. improve:改善,提高

- This new cream promises to improve the appearance of your skin and reduce wrinkles.

- 这款新霜承诺能够改善你的皮肤外观,减少皱纹。


tone-up是一个常用的动词短语,通常用于形容人体肌肉的锻炼和塑造。它可以指通过锻炼来提高肌肉的力量和紧致度,也可以指通过使用某种产品来改善身体的外观。在使用时,需要注意其被动语态be toned up,并且可以与其他同义词如strengthen, firm, sculpt, improve等一起使用。最后,要记得坚持锻炼和健康饮食才能真正达到健康增强和身体塑造的效果。
