
英语听力2024-04-10 23:07:26小编




to_see的音标为/tə siː/。


1. to_see作为动词时,可以表示“看到”、“观看”、“理解”、“认为”。:

- I saw a beautiful sunset last night.(我昨晚看到了美丽的日落。)

- She likes to see movies on weekends.(她喜欢周末看电影。)

- I can't see why you would do that.(我不明白你为什么要那样做。)

2. to_see也可以表示“会面”、“见面”、“遇见”。:

- I'm going to see my friend tomorrow.(我明天要去见我的朋友。)

- It was nice to see you again after so long.(这么久以后再次见到你真好。)

- We saw each other at the party last night.(我们昨晚在聚会上碰到了彼此。)

3. to_see也可以用来表示“想象”、“设想”。:

- Can you see yourself living in a big city?(你能想象自己住在大城市吗?)

- I can't see him as a doctor, he's too clumsy.(我无法想象他当医生,他太笨手笨脚了。)

4. to_see还可以用来表示“检查”、“考虑”、“处理”。:

- Let me see if I have any appointments next week.(让我看看下周是否有约会安排。)

- We'll have to see how we can solve this problem.(我们得看看如何解决这个问题。)

5. to_see也可以用来表示“明白”、“了解”。:

- I see what you mean now.(我现在明白你的意思了。)

- Do you see the difference between these two options?(你能看出这两个选项的区别吗?)


1. I saw a shooting star last night.(我昨晚看到了一颗流星。)

2. She wants to see the world before she settles down.(她想在安定下来之前去看看世界。)

3. Can you see the resemblance between the two brothers?(你能看出这两个兄弟的相似之处吗?)

4. He couldn't believe what he was seeing with his own eyes.(他无法相信自己亲眼所见的一切。)

5. Let's wait and see how things turn out before making a decision.(让我们等着瞧事情最终会怎样再做决定吧。)


1. behold:意为“注视,观察”,常用于文学作品中,语气比较正式。:Behold the beauty of nature.(注视大自然的美丽。)

2. observe:意为“观察,注意到”,也可以表示“遵守,庆祝”。:I observed a strange behavior from him.(我注意到他有奇怪的行为。)

3. witness:意为“见证,目睹”,可以用来表示亲眼看到或经历过某件事情。:I witnessed the accident yesterday.(我昨天目睹了那起事故。)

4. view:意为“看待,观察”,也可以表示“观点,视野”。:I view this situation differently than you do.(我对这种情况的看法和你不同。)

5. perceive:意为“感知,理解”,强调通过感知或观察来获得信息。:I perceive a change in his attitude towards me.(我感知到他对我的态度有所改变。)


