
英语听力2024-04-11 02:38:04小编




Trigger point是指肌肉或肌腱组织中的一处特定区域,当受到压力或刺激时,会引起疼痛或不适感。这种疼痛通常是局部的,并且可能会向周围区域放射。Trigger point也被称为“活动点”或“压力点”。

A trigger point refers to a specific area in a muscle or tendon tissue that, when subjected to pressure or stimulation, can cause pain or discomfort. This pain is typically localized and may radiate to surrounding areas. Trigger points are also known as "active points" or "pressure points".


trigger point [ˈtrɪɡər pɔɪnt]


Trigger point通常用来描述肌肉组织中的一个特定区域,它可以通过按压、推拿、针灸等手段来缓解疼痛和不适感。在医学领域,trigger point也被认为是一种治疗肌肉骨骼问题的方法,如颈椎病、腰椎间盘突出等。

Trigger points are commonly used to describe a specific area in muscle tissue that can be relieved by applying pressure, massage, acupuncture, and other techniques. In the medical field, trigger points are also considered a method of treating musculoskeletal issues such as cervical spondylosis and lumbar disc herniation.


1. My neck has been hurting all day, I think I might have a trigger point.

我的脖子一整天都在痛,我觉得可能是有一个trigger point。

2. The massage therapist found several trigger points in my back and worked on them to relieve the tension.

按摩师我背部有几处trigger point,并按压以缓解紧张感。

3. Acupuncture is known to be effective in treating trigger points in muscles.

针灸被认为是治疗肌肉trigger point有效的方法。

4. The pain in my shoulder is caused by a trigger point in my trapezius muscle.

我肩膀的疼痛是由于斜方肌的一个trigger point引起的。

5. Trigger points can also cause referred pain, meaning the pain can be felt in other areas of the body.

Trigger point也可以引起转移性疼痛,意味着疼痛可以感觉到身体其他部位。


- Active points: 与trigger points意思相同,用法相似。

- Pressure points: 与trigger points意思相同,用法相似。

- Tender points: 指压力敏感的区域,通常与fibromyalgia(纤维肌痛)有关。

- Myofascial trigger points: 指肌筋膜组织中的trigger points,也可以简称为myofascial points。


Trigger point是指肌肉或肌腱组织中的一处特定区域,当受到压力或刺激时,会引起疼痛或不适感。它通常可以通过按压、推拿、针灸等手段来缓解。在医学领域,trigger point也被认为是一种治疗肌肉骨骼问题的方法。同义词有active points、pressure points、tender points和myofascial trigger points。了解trigger point的意思和用法有助于我们更好地理解身体疼痛的原因,并且可以采取适当的措施来缓解不适感。
