
英语听力2024-04-11 10:00:24小编





uncover [ʌnˈkʌvər]


1. uncover作为及物动词时,其后可接名词或代词作宾语。:

- The detective uncovered new evidence in the case.(这位侦探在案件中了新的证据。)

- The journalist uncovered a scandal in the government.(这位记者揭露了的丑闻。)

2. uncover也可作为不及物动词使用,表示“暴露出来;被”。:

- The truth about his past finally uncovered.(他过去的终于被揭露出来。)

- The scandal was uncovered by a brave whistleblower.(这个丑闻被一位勇敢的告密者揭露出来。)

3. uncover还可以表示“揭开;打开”,常用于指揭开盖子、覆盖物等。:

- He uncovered the pot and stirred the soup inside.(他打开锅盖,搅拌里面的汤。)

- She slowly uncovered the painting, revealing its beauty to the audience.(她慢慢地揭开画布,向观众展示它的美丽。)

4. uncover也可以用来表示“揭穿;揭露”。:

- The journalist uncovered the corruption within the company.(这位记者揭露了公司内部的。)

- The investigation uncovered a network of illegal activities.(调查揭露了一系列非法活动的网络。)


1. The archaeologist carefully brushed away the dirt, hoping to uncover a hidden treasure.(考古学家小心翼翼地刷去泥土,希望能隐藏的宝藏。)

2. The journalist's investigation uncovered a scandal that shocked the entire country.(这位记者的调查揭露了一桩让整个震惊的丑闻。)

3. The magician's performance was so impressive that we couldn't wait to see what he would uncover next.(魔术师的表演太令人印象深刻,我们迫不及待想看他接下来会揭开什么。)

4. After years of research, scientists have finally uncovered the truth about this mysterious disease.(经过多年研究,科学家们终于了这种神秘疾病的。)

5. The detective worked tirelessly to uncover the identity of the serial killer, who had been terrorizing the city for months.(这位侦探不知疲倦地工作,试图揭露连环杀手的身份,他已经在这座城市肆虐了数月。)


1. reveal:表示“揭露;暴露”,与uncover的意思相近,但更强调将隐藏的事实或公之于众。:

- The investigation revealed the truth behind the scandal.(调查揭示了丑闻背后的。)

- The magician revealed the secret to his amazing trick.(魔术师揭示了他惊人表演的秘密。)

2. expose:表示“暴露;揭露”,强调将隐藏的事物暴露出来供人看到。:

- The documentary exposed the harsh living conditions in the slums.(这部纪录片暴露了贫民窟中恶劣的生活条件。)

- The hacker exposed sensitive information from the company's database.(从公司数据库中曝光了敏感信息。)

3. discover:表示“;发觉”,侧重指新事物或新情况。:

- The scientist discovered a new species of butterfly in the rainforest.(科学家在热带雨林中了一种新的蝴蝶物种。)

- She discovered a hidden talent for painting during her travels.(她在旅行中自己有绘画的潜力。)


