
英语听力2024-04-11 12:53:07小编



Universal Robot是一种灵活的工业机器人,它具有先进的技术和人性化的设计,可以实现高效、精准和安全的自动化生产。它可以适应各种不同的应用场景,为企业提供全方位的解决方案。

Universal Robot is a flexible industrial robot with advanced technology and humanized design, which can achieve efficient, precise and safe automation production. It can adapt to various different application scenarios and provide comprehensive solutions for enterprises.


[yuːnɪ'vɜ:səl 'rəʊbɒt]


Universal Robot通常被用于工业生产线上,可以执行各种不同的任务,如装配、焊接、搬运等。它还可以与其他设备和进行无缝集成,实现更高效的生产流程。由于其灵活性和易操作性,Universal Robot也被广泛应用于小型企业和中小型企业。

Universal Robot is commonly used in industrial production lines, where it can perform various tasks such as assembly, welding, and handling. It can also be seamlessly integrated with other equipment and systems to achieve more efficient production processes. Due to its flexibility and ease of use, Universal Robot is also widely used in small and medium-sized enterprises.


1. The factory has introduced Universal Robots to improve the efficiency of their production line.

工厂引进了Universal Robot来提高生产线的效率。

2. The Universal Robot is equipped with advanced sensors, allowing it to work safely alongside humans.

Universal Robot配备了先进的传感器,可以安全地与人类一起工作。

3. The company has saved a lot of labor costs by using Universal Robots instead of manual labor.

该公司通过使用Universal Robot而不是手工劳动,节省了大量的人力成本。

4. Thanks to its flexibility, the Universal Robot can easily adapt to different production scenarios.

由于其灵活性,Universal Robot可以轻松适应不同的生产场景。

5. With the help of Universal Robots, the production process has become more efficient and accurate.

在Universal Robot的帮助下,生产过程变得更加高效和精确。


1. Collaborative robot:协作机器人,也是一种灵活、安全的自动化机器人,常用于与人类共同工作的场景。

2. Industrial manipulator:工业机械手,通常指用于装配、搬运等任务的机械手臂。

3. Automated robot:自动化机器人,指能够自主执行任务而无需人类干预的机器人。

这些词语都可以用来替换Universal Robot来描述同类型的产品或技术。


Universal Robot是一种多功能、灵活和安全的工业机器人,它能够为企业提供高效、精准和安全的自动化生产解决方案。它的灵活性和易操作性使其在各种不同的应用场景下都能发挥作用,因此受到了许多企业的青睐。随着工业4.0时代的到来,Universal Robot将会发挥更重要的作用,为工业生产带来更大的变革。
