
英语听力2024-04-12 08:53:49小编




Werewolf is a term used to describe a mythical creature that can transform into a wolf, possessing both human and wolf-like characteristics. This word originated from ancient European folklore, where it was believed that humans could be possessed by demons and transformed into werewolves.


Werewolf [ˈwɛərˌwʊlf]



As a noun, werewolf is commonly used to refer to humans who have been cursed or possessed and transformed into werewolves. It can also be used to describe someone who exhibits wild and savage behavior.


1. The villagers were terrified of the werewolf that roamed the forest at night. 村民们对夜晚在森林里游荡的狼人感到恐惧。

2. According to legend, anyone who is bitten by a werewolf will also become one. 根据传说,任何被狼人咬伤的人都会变成狼人。

3. The movie "The Wolfman" tells the story of a man who becomes a werewolf after being bitten by one. 电影《狼人》讲述了一个被狼人咬伤后变成狼人的男子的故事。

4. In some cultures, werewolves are seen as protectors of the forest and are worshipped as gods. 在一些文化中,狼人被视为森林的守护者,并被奉为神灵。

5. She was afraid that her boyfriend might be a werewolf because he always disappeared during full moons. 她担心她的男朋友可能是个狼人,因为每次满月他都会消失不见。


1. Lycanthrope: This term is often used interchangeably with werewolf and has the same meaning.

2. Shape-shifter: This word refers to someone or something that can change form, including into a wolf or werewolf.

3. Shapeshifter: 这个词指的是可以改变形态的人或物,包括变成狼或狼人。

4. Wolfman: This is another term for a male werewolf, often used in popular culture and media.

5. Lycan: A shortened version of lycanthrope, this word is commonly used in fantasy and horror genres to refer to werewolves.


