
英语听力2024-04-12 23:49:32小编



Yellow fever是一种由黄热病病毒引起的急性传染病,主要通过被感染的蚊子传播。这种疾病通常会导致发热、头痛、肌肉和关节痛,严重时可能引发肝功能衰竭、出血和肾功能损害等严重并发症。

Yellow fever is an acute infectious disease caused by the yellow fever virus, primarily transmitted by infected mosquitoes. This disease usually results in fever, headache, muscle and joint pain, and in severe cases, it can lead to liver failure, bleeding, and kidney damage.


/yeləʊ ˈfiːvər/


Yellow fever通常用作名词,表示一种传染病。它可以作为主语或宾语出现,也可以用作定语修饰其他名词,如yellow fever virus(黄热病毒)、yellow fever outbreak(黄热病爆发)等。

Yellow fever is typically used as a noun to refer to an infectious disease. It can be used as a subject or object in a sentence, or as an adjective modifying other nouns, such as yellow fever virus or yellow fever outbreak.


1. The recent outbreak of yellow fever has caused widespread panic in the region.(最近的黄热病爆发在该地区引起了广泛的恐慌。)

2. The symptoms of yellow fever include high fever, chills, and nausea.(黄热病的症状包括高烧、寒战和恶心。)

3. Many countries require travelers to be vaccinated against yellow fever before entering.(许多要求旅行者在入境前接种黄热病疫苗。)

4. The World Health Organization has declared yellow fever a global health emergency.(世界卫生组织已宣布黄热病为全球卫生紧急。)

5. It is important to take precautions against mosquito bites to prevent yellow fever infection.(采取防蚊措施是预防黄热病感染的重要措施。)


1. Viral hemorrhagic fever:一种由多种不同类型的RNA或DNA 病毒引起的出血性传染病,包括黄热、埃博拉、马尔堡等。

2. Dengue fever:一种由登革热病毒引起的传染性发热,主要通过蚊子传播,与黄热类似。

3. Malaria:一种由寄生虫引起的传染性血液疾病,也通过蚊子传播,但与黄热有所不同。

1. Viral hemorrhagic fever: a group of infectious diseases caused by different types of RNA or DNA viruses, including yellow fever, Ebola, and Marburg.

2. Dengue fever: an infectious fever caused by the dengue virus, primarily transmitted by mosquitoes, similar to yellow fever.

3. Malaria: an infectious blood disease caused by parasites, also transmitted by mosquitoes, but different from yellow fever.


