
英语听力2024-04-13 04:55:06小编




What does つみき mean (Chinese and English translation):

つみき means a toy made up of multiple small wooden blocks that can be used to build various shapes and structures. It is also known as "jigsaw puzzle" and is a common toy for children.


つみき [tsu-mi-ki]




Tsumiki is commonly used to train children's hand-eye coordination and imagination. It can also be used as a leisure activity to help people relax.


1. 积木是我小时候最喜欢的玩具之一。

Jīmù shì wǒ xiǎo shí hòu zuì xǐ huān de wán jù zhī yī.

Building blocks were one of my favorite toys when I was a child.

2. 这套积木可以搭建出很多不同的形状。

Zhè tào jīmù kě yǐ dā jiàn chū hěn duō bù tóng de xíng shì.

This set of building blocks can be used to build many different shapes.

3. 孩子们在用积木搭建城堡。

Hái zǐ men zài yòng jī mù dā jiàn chéng bǎo.

The children are using building blocks to build a castle.

4. 我们可以一起玩积木,很有趣的。

Wǒ men kě yǐ yī qǐ wán jī mù, hěn yǒu qù de.

We can play with building blocks together, it's very fun.

5. 他的想象力很丰富,总是能用积木搭建出独特的作品。

Tā de xiǎng xiàng lì hěn fēng fù, zǒng shì néng yòng jī mù dā jiàn chū dú tè de zuò pǐn.

His imagination is rich, he always can use building blocks to create unique works.


1. 砌块 (qì kuài):也是指由多个小块组成的玩具,和つみき相似。

2. 拼图 (pīn tú):也是一种玩具,由多个小块拼接而成,和つみき有些许不同。

Synonyms and usage:

1. 砌块 (qì kuài): also refers to a toy made up of multiple small blocks, similar to つみき.

2. 拼图 (pīn tú): also a type of toy made up of multiple small pieces, slightly different from つみき.


