
英语听力2024-04-13 07:43:17小编




What does "丁一卯二" mean in Chinese and English?

"丁一卯二" refers to the fourth month in the lunar calendar, which is May in the Gregorian calendar. In traditional Chinese lunar calendar, each month has a corresponding name, and "丁一卯二" is one of them.


丁一卯二的读音为 dīng yī mǎo èr。

How to pronounce "丁一卯二"?

The pronunciation of "丁一卯二" is dīng yī mǎo èr.



Usage of "丁一卯二"

"丁一卯二" is commonly used to indicate time, specifically referring to the fourth month in the lunar calendar. It can also be used to refer to a specific time when something happened or will happen.


1. 今年的春节是在农历的正月,而我生日则是在农历的第四个月,也就是丁一卯二。

This year's Spring Festival falls on the first month of the lunar calendar, while my birthday is in the fourth month, which is "丁一卯二" in Chinese.

2. 我们公司的年会定在农历的第四个月,也就是丁一卯二。

Our company's annual meeting is scheduled for the fourth month in the lunar calendar, which is "丁一卯二" in Chinese.

3. 据说今年的春季旅游旺季会延迟到农历的第四个月,也就是丁一卯二。

It is said that this year's peak travel season will be delayed until the fourth month in the lunar calendar, which is "丁一卯二" in Chinese.

4. 他出生在农历的第四个月,也就是丁一卯二。

He was born in the fourth month of the lunar calendar, which is "丁一卯二" in Chinese.

5. 明天是农历的第四个月,也就是丁一卯二。

Tomorrow will be the fourth month of the lunar calendar, which is "丁一卯二" in Chinese.



1. 农历正月 - 第一个月

2. 农历腊月 - 最后一个月

3. 农历六月 - 夏至前一个月

4. 农历七月 - 夏至后一个月

5. 农历十二月 - 冬至前一个月

Synonyms and Usage

In traditional Chinese lunar calendar, each month has a corresponding name. Besides "丁一卯二", there are several other months with specific names.

1. Lunar January - the first month

2. Lunar December - the last month

3. Lunar June - the month before summer solstice

4. Lunar July - the month after summer solstice

5. Lunar December - the month before winter solstice


