
英语听力2024-04-13 08:56:07小编




Three visits to the thatched cottage means that one person visits another person multiple times, showing respect and importance. This idiom comes from the ancient Chinese story "Three Visits to the Thatched Cottage", which tells the story of Zhuge Liang's multiple visits to Liu Bei, and eventually successfully persuading Liu Bei to join the alliance against Cao Cao.


[sān gù cǎo lú]



This idiom is usually used to describe a person who continuously works hard and perseveres in pursuit of their goals, expressing respect and gratitude towards others. It can also be used to describe a relationship between two people based on mutual respect, trust, and cooperation.


1. 他为了加入这个团队,三顾草庐,终于得到了大家的认可。

He visited the team three times to show his determination, and finally gained everyone's approval.

2. 这位老板非常重视员工的意见,经常三顾草庐,与员工一起讨论公司的发展方向。

The boss values the opinions of his employees and often visits them three times to discuss the company's development direction together.

3. 他们之间建立起了深厚的友谊,因为他们彼此之间都是三顾草庐的关系。

They have established a deep friendship because they both visit each other three times to show their respect and trust.

4. 我们应该学习诸葛亮多次三顾茅庐的,不断努力追求自己的目标。

We should learn from Zhuge Liang's spirit of visiting Liu Bei three times and continuously strive for our goals.

5. 作为一名销售人员,我会坚持不懈地三顾草庐,与客户建立良好的合作关系。

As a salesperson, I will persistently visit my clients multiple times to establish a good cooperative relationship with them.


1. 多次拜访(duō cì bài fǎng):表示多次去拜访某人或某地。

2. 反复劝说(fǎn fù quàn shuō):表示多次劝说某人做某事。

3. 一再请求(yī zài qǐng qiú):表示不断地请求某人做某事。

4. 反复探讨(fǎn fù tàn tǎo):表示多次讨论同一个问题或话题。


