
英语听力2024-04-13 15:24:45小编




Two-faced (English) or 两面三刀 (Chinese) refers to a person's behavior or speech that is deceptive and untrustworthy. It can also describe something with two sides, where it may seem good on the surface but has a negative aspect. This idiom has a negative connotation and is often used to criticize someone or something.


liǎng miàn sān dāo (Mandarin Chinese)



"Two-faced" is often used to describe a person's deceptive and untrustworthy nature, or to describe something with two sides. It can be used as an adjective to modify a person or thing, or as a verb to describe someone's behavior.


1. 她是一个两面三刀的人,从来不可信任。(She is a two-faced person, never to be trusted.)

2. 这个看起来很好,但实际上却是两面三刀的。(This policy may seem good, but it's actually two-faced.)

3. 他的朋友都知道他是一个两面三刀的人,所以没有人愿意和他合作。(His friends all know he is a two-faced person, so no one wants to cooperate with him.)

4. 这位政客总是两面三刀,表面上支持我们,背地里却做出了与我们相反的决定。(This politician is always two-faced, publicly supporting us but secretly making decisions against us.)

5. 我们不能相信他,因为他已经证明自己是一个两面三刀的人。(We can't trust him because he has proven himself to be a two-faced person.)


1. 口是心非 (kǒu shì xīn fēi) - literally means "mouth says one thing but heart thinks another," similar to "two-faced"

2. 虚伪 (xū wěi) - hypocritical or insincere, often used to describe someone who is two-faced

3. 假惺惺 (jiǎ xīng xīng) - pretending to be kind or friendly while actually having ulterior motives, similar to "two-faced"


