
英语听力2024-04-13 16:38:36小编




The China Association for International Friendly Contact (CAIFC) is a non-governmental, non-profit organization that aims to promote friendly exchanges and cooperation between China and other countries. It is supervised by the Chinese government and composed of volunteers from all walks of life, who organize various activities to enhance mutual understanding and friendship between different nations.


国际友谊促进会: zhōng guó guó jì yǒu yì cù jìn huì (zhōng guó: zhōng g-oh; guó jì: g-w-oh j-ee; yǒu yì: y-oh y-ee; cù jìn: t-s-oo j-een; huì: h-wee)



As a noun, it can refer to the organization itself or its organized activities. It can also be used as a prepositional phrase to indicate promoting friendly exchanges between different countries through the organization or its activities.


1. 国际友谊促进会每年都会举办多场文化交流活动,吸引了来自世界各地的人们参与。

The CAIFC holds multiple cultural exchange events every year, attracting people from all over the world to participate.

2. 作为主管的非性团体,国际友谊促进会在推动民间方面发挥着重要作用。

As a non-governmental organization under the supervision of the Chinese government, the CAIFC plays an important role in promoting people-to-people diplomacy.

3. 国际友谊促进会致力于搭建沟通桥梁,加强不同之间的文化交流和合作。

The CAIFC is committed to building bridges of communication and strengthening cultural exchanges and cooperation between different countries.

4. 在国际友谊促进会的帮助下,我有幸结识了来自美国、日本和韩国的朋友,并与他们建立了深厚的友谊。

With the help of the CAIFC, I have had the privilege to make friends from the United States, Japan, and South Korea, and established deep friendships with them.

5. 通过参加国际友谊促进会组织的活动,我对的文化有了更深入的了解,也结识了来自世界各地的朋友。

By participating in the activities organized by the CAIFC, I have gained a deeper understanding of Chinese culture and made friends from all over the world.


1. 人民协会 (China People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries): 作为国际友谊促进会的前身,它也是一个旨在促进与其他之间友好交流的民间团体。

2. 中华全国归国华侨联合会 (All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese): 该团体也致力于推动中外人民之间的友好交流与合作,但其重点是和服务海外华侨。

3. 外事部门 (foreign affairs department): 可以用来指代负责处理对外事务的部门,如部。

4. 文化交流活动 (cultural exchange events): 类似于“文化交流活动”,也可以使用“文化交流项目”、“文化交流计划”等表达方式。


