
英语听力2024-04-13 16:55:00小编




Chinese Li refers to a common surname in traditional Chinese literature, and it is also used as a given name in modern Chinese. The Li surname accounts for a large proportion of the Chinese population and is one of the most common surnames. In ancient times, there were also many famous figures with the surname Li, such as Li Yuan, the founding emperor of the Tang Dynasty, and Zhao Kuangyin, the founding emperor of the Song Dynasty.



The pronunciation of Chinese Li is [lǐ], with a third tone.


1. 作为姓氏使用:,李先生、李太太。

2. 作为名字使用:,李明、李华。

3. 在古代文学作品中出现:,《红楼梦》中有一个重要人物叫做贾宝玉,他的表妹贾元春的娘家姓李。

1. Used as a surname: for example, Mr. Li, Mrs. Li.

2. Used as a given name: for example, Li Ming, Li Hua.

3. Appearing in ancient literary works: for example, in the novel "Dream of Red Mansions", there is an important character named Jia Baoyu, and his cousin Jia Yuanchun's maiden surname is Li.


1. 李先生是一位著名的作家,他的作品深受读者喜爱。

Mr. Li is a famous writer, and his works are loved by readers.

2. 李太太是一位优秀的教师,她对学生非常关心。

Mrs. Li is an excellent teacher who cares deeply about her students.

3. 我的朋友李明今天过生日,我准备了一份礼物给他。

My friend Li Ming is celebrating his birthday today, and I have prepared a gift for him.

4. 李华是我的同学,她非常聪明,每次考试都取得很好的成绩。

Li Hua is my classmate, she is very smart and always gets good grades on exams.

5. 在这部小说中,主人公贾宝玉和他的表妹贾元春都姓李。

In this novel, the protagonist Jia Baoyu and his cousin Jia Yuanchun both have the surname Li.



In modern Chinese, there are not many synonyms for Chinese Li, but in ancient literary works, "Li Shi" can sometimes be used to refer to the Li surname.


