
英语听力2024-04-13 18:09:13小编




Toyota Production System (TPS) refers to the complete set of methods and processes adopted by Toyota Motor Corporation in the production process, with the aim of improving product quality and efficiency, and reducing costs. This system emphasizes on teamwork, continuous improvement, and customer satisfaction, which has been a key factor in Toyota's success.


TPS [ˈtiːpiːɛs]



The term TPS is commonly used to refer to the methods and processes adopted by Toyota Motor Corporation in the production process. It can also be abbreviated as TPS. It is not only applicable in the automotive industry but can also be applied in other industries.


1. 丰田生产方式强调团队合作和持续改进,这使得丰田汽车公司成为了全球最成功的汽车制造商之一。

Toyota Production System emphasizes on teamwork and continuous improvement, which has made Toyota Motor Corporation one of the most successful automotive manufacturers in the world.

2. 通过采用丰田生产方式,我们的工厂能够提高生产效率,降低成本,并保证产品质量。

By adopting the Toyota Production System, our factory has been able to increase production efficiency, reduce costs, and ensure product quality.

3. 丰田生产方式的核心理念是“精益生产”,旨在消除浪费并提高价值创造能力。

The core concept of Toyota Production System is "lean production", which aims to eliminate waste and improve value creation capability.

4. 丰田生产方式强调员工参与和持续改进,这为公司带来了巨大的成功和发展。

Toyota Production System emphasizes on employee involvement and continuous improvement, which has brought great success and growth to the company.

5. 作为一名汽车制造商,我们必须学习和借鉴丰田生产方式,以提高我们的竞争力。

As an automotive manufacturer, we must learn from and adopt the Toyota Production System to enhance our competitiveness.


1. TPS (缩写形式)

2. 丰田精益生产 (中文名称)

3. Toyota Way (另一种常用称呼)


丰田生产方式是丰田汽车公司的成功之一,它强调团队合作、持续改进和客户满意度,旨在提高产品质量和效率,并降低成本。这种方式可以应用于各个行业,是一个值得学习和借鉴的生产管理方法。除了常用的TPS缩写外,也可以使用丰田精益生产或Toyota Way来指代。
