
英语听力2024-04-13 19:03:42小编



What does "举案齐眉" mean?

"举案齐眉" is a traditional Chinese etiquette, which refers to the action of lifting the chopping board to the level of the eyebrows when guests and s meet, as a sign of respect and equality. In modern times, it is also used to describe equal treatment and status between two parties.


举案齐眉的读音为:jǔ àn qí méi

How to pronounce "举案齐眉"?

The pronunciation of "举案齐眉" is: jǔ àn qí méi.


1. 作为礼节用语,表示敬意和平等对待。

2. 比喻双方地位相当、平等对待。


1. As a term of etiquette, it expresses respect and equality.

2. To describe equal treatment and status between two parties.


1. 在传统文化中,举案齐眉是一种重要的礼节。

In Chinese traditional culture, "举案齐眉" is an important etiquette.

2. 在商业谈判中,双方应该举案齐眉,平等协商。

In business negotiations, both parties should treat each other equally and negotiate on an equal footing.

3. 他们之间的关系很好,总是能够举案齐眉地相处。

They have a good relationship and always treat each other equally.

4. 作为主人,他应该举案齐眉地招待客人。

As the , he should entertain his guests with respect and equality.

5. 在这个公司,所有员工都能够举案齐眉地交流意见。

In this company, all employees can communicate their opinions on an equal footing.


1. 平等对待:指对待双方平等、公正,没有偏袒或歧视。

2. 平起平坐:比喻双方地位相当、平等对待。

3. 同等重视:指对待双方一视同仁、同等重要。

Synonyms and usage:

1. 平等对待 (píng děng duì dài): To treat both sides equally and fairly, without bias or discrimination.

2. 平起平坐 (píng qǐ píng zuò): To describe equal status and treatment between two parties.

3. 同等重视 (tóng děng zhòng shì): To treat both sides equally and with equal importance.


