
英语听力2024-04-13 19:58:22小编



英文释义:To follow up on a victory and continue to move forward without letting up, in order to further consolidate and expand the victory.

二:怎么读(音标):/tʃéng shèng zhuī jī/



1. After winning the first round, the team decided to follow up with a strong offense and continue to press their opponents. (在赢得第一轮比赛后,这支队伍决定采取强攻策略,继续压制对手。)

2. The company's CEO urged his employees to not become complacent after their recent success, but instead to seize the momentum and keep pushing forward. (公司的CEO敦促员工们在最近的成功之后不要变得自满,而是要抓住机遇,继续前进。)

3. The general ordered his troops to pursue the retreating enemy and take advantage of their victory to push deeper into their territory. (将下令追击正在撤退的敌,并利用胜利的机会深入敌方。)

4. The coach reminded his players to not let their guard down and to keep up the pressure, as they were in a good position to follow up on their lead. (教练提醒球员们不要放松惕,保持压力,因为他们有很好的机会在取得领先后继续前进。)

5. After winning the first round of negotiations, the company's representatives were determined to follow up with a strong proposal in the next round. (在第一轮谈判中获胜后,公司决心在下一轮提出强有力的建议。)

五:同义词及用法:乘胜追击可以与“胜利者不骄傲,失败者不气馁”(Pride goes before a fall)这句谚语相对应。也可以与“趁热打铁”(Strike while the iron is hot)这句谚语相类比,指在取得成功时抓住机会继续努力。

