
英语听力2024-04-13 20:05:40小编




Nine deaths without regrets means that in the face of life and death, one still insists on their beliefs and decisions, even if it means sacrificing their life. This idiom describes a person's brave and fearless spirit, indicating their willingness to risk any danger and sacrifice everything for a certain cause or belief.


/jiǔ sǐ bù huǐ/



Nine deaths without regrets is usually used to describe someone who, in the face of difficulties, dangers or challenges, persists in their beliefs and decisions, regardless of all consequences, in pursuit of their goals. It can also express extreme persistence and determination towards something.


1. 他为了保卫家园,九死不悔地参加了。

In order to defend his homeland, he joined the war without any regrets.

2. 面对巨大的压力和挑战,他仍然坚持自己的理想,九死不悔地追求成功。

Facing immense pressure and challenges, he still persists in his ideals and pursues success without any regrets.

3. 即使知道会面临生命危险,她也毅然决然地选择了九死不悔的道路。

Even though she knew she would face danger to her life, she resolutely chose the path of no regrets.

4. 在这场残酷的比赛中,运动员们展现出了九死不悔的,为争光。

In this brutal competition, the athletes showed their spirit of no regrets and brought honor to their country.

5. 这个勇敢的消防员在火灾中救出了十几名被困人员,用自己的行动诠释了九死不悔的。

This brave firefighter rescued over a dozen trapped individuals in the fire, demonstrating the spirit of no regrets through his actions.


1. 精忠报国(jīng zhōng bào guó):指忠诚于,为奋斗不悔的。

2. 不畏艰险(bù wèi jiān xiǎn):指不怕困难和危险,勇往直前的。

3. 舍生忘死(shě shēng wàng sǐ):指为了某种信念或目标,甘愿牺牲生命。

4. 坚定不移(jiān dìng bù yí):指坚定地、毫不动摇地坚持自己的信念和决定。

1. Loyalty to the country: refers to the spirit of being loyal to the country and fighting for it without regrets.

2. Fearless of danger: refers to the spirit of not being afraid of difficulties and danger, and moving forward bravely.

3. Forget about life and death: refers to being willing to sacrifice one's life for a certain belief or goal.

4. Firm and unwavering: refers to firmly and unswervingly sticking to one's beliefs and decisions.


