
英语听力2024-04-13 20:17:51小编



Countryside refers to rural areas with a relatively small population, backward economy and lower level of social development. In China, the countryside usually refers to areas far from cities where agriculture and animal husbandry are the main means of production.

二:读音:[xiāng cūn]

Pronunciation: [shyang tsoon]


Usage: As a noun, countryside can be used to describe the characteristics and attributes of a certain area. It can also be used to describe a person or thing with simple and down-to-earth qualities. In addition, countryside can also be used as an adjective to modify things related to rural areas.


1. 我们一家人在乡村生活了几年,享受着纯朴的生活。

We lived in the countryside for several years as a family, enjoying a simple life.

2. 这部电影讲述了一位城市人来到乡村,经历了许多改变的故事。

This movie tells the story of a city person who came to the countryside and went through many changes.

3. 我们计划在乡村建立一个农场,种植有机蔬菜和养殖家禽。

We plan to establish a farm in the countryside, growing organic vegetables and raising poultry.

4. 这个小镇的风景如画,充满着乡村的韵味。

The scenery of this town is picturesque, full of rural charm.

5. 她从小就生长在乡村,对自然和农业有着深厚的感情。

She grew up in the countryside and has a deep love for nature and agriculture.


1. Our family has lived in the countryside for several years, enjoying a simple life.

2. This movie tells the story of a city person who came to the countryside and went through many changes.

3. We plan to establish a farm in the countryside, growing organic vegetables and raising poultry.

4. The scenery of this town is picturesque, full of rural charm.

5. She grew up in the countryside and has a deep love for nature and agriculture.


Synonyms: rural areas, villages, pastoral areas, country

