
英语听力2024-04-13 22:08:49小编




Cloud means the white gas formed by the condensation of water vapor in the sky, and can also refer to the services that store and process data on the Internet. In Chinese, cloud also has metaphorical meanings, which can refer to concepts such as illusion, ethereal, and vague.


云 (yún)


1. 指天空中的白色气体或者天气现象。

例句:今天的天空上挂着一朵朵白云。(Today there are white clouds hanging in the sky.)

2. 指存储和处理数据的网络服务。

例句:我把照片都存储在云端,这样就不用担心丢失了。(I store all my photos on the cloud so I don't have to worry about losing them.)

3. 指虚幻、飘渺、模糊等概念。

例句:她总是活在自己编织的梦幻之中,如同身处云端一般。(She always lives in her own dream world, as if she is floating in the clouds.)


1. 看!那朵白云像一只兔子。(Look! That cloud looks like a rabbit.)

2. 我们可以通过云存储来备份重要的文件。(We can use cloud storage to back up important files.)

3. 他的想法总是像云一样飘忽不定。(His thoughts are always as elusive as clouds.)

4. 天空中的乌云预示着暴风雨即将来临。(The dark clouds in the sky indicate that a storm is coming.)

5. 她的心情就像天空中的云,时而晴朗,时而阴沉。(Her mood is like the clouds in the sky, sometimes sunny and sometimes gloomy.)


1. 云彩 (yún cǎi):指天空中的各种形状和颜色的气体。

例句:夕阳映照在漂亮的云彩上,景色美不胜收。(The setting sun shines on the beautiful clouds, making the scenery even more beautiful.)

2. 云端 (yún duān):指高处、远处或虚幻之地。

例句:站在山顶,可以看到远处山间飘浮着白色的云端。(Standing on of the mountain, you can see white clouds floating in the distance between mountains.)

3. 雾 (wù):指低空中的水汽凝结成的白色气体,与云不同的是雾接触到地面。

例句:雾太大了,我看不清前面的路。(The fog is too thick, I can't see the road ahead.)

4. 虚幻 (xū huàn):指不存在或不真实的事物。

例句:他对自己的未来充满了虚幻的幻想。(He is full of illusory fantasies about his future.)


