怎么读:[jí xū jiū zhèng]
1. 这份报告中的错误亟须纠正,否则会给公司带来严重的后果。
The errors in this report need to be corrected urgently, otherwise it will bring serious consequences to the company.
2. 我们亟须纠正这个项目中的漏洞,以免影响整个计划的顺利进行。
We need to correct the loopholes in this project urgently, so as not to affect the smooth progress of the entire plan.
3. 这家医院的管理问题亟须纠正,否则会影响患者的就诊体验。
The management problems of this hospital need to be corrected urgently, otherwise it will affect the patients' medical experience.
4. 部门应该亟须纠正职能重叠、效率低下的问题,提高服务质量。
Government departments should urgently correct the problems of overlapping functions and low efficiency, and improve service quality.
5. 他们意识到自己亟须纠正过去犯下的错误,并努力弥补过失。
They realized that they urgently need to correct the mistakes they made in the past and make up for their faults.