
英语听力2024-04-14 02:03:03小编



怎么读:cóng shàn rú liú (IPA:[t͡sʰʊ̌ŋ ʂân rú ljo̊̌])


例句1:作为一名领导者,你应该学会从善如流,听取下属的意见,并根据实际情况做出决策。(As a leader, you should learn to be receptive and take into account the opinions of your subordinates, and make decisions based on the actual situation.)

例句2:在团队合作中,每个成员都应该学会从善如流,尊重他人的想法,并为团队的共同目标而努力。(In team collaboration, each member should learn to be receptive, respect others' ideas, and work towards the common goal of the team.)

例句3:这个的应该具备从善如流的,能够接受民众的意见并做出改变,从而推动社会的进步。(The government of this country should have the spirit of being receptive and be able to accept the opinions of the people and make changes in order to promote social progress.)

例句4:作为一个成熟的人,你应该学会从善如流,不要固执己见,而是能够灵活地接受别人的建议和意见。(As a mature person, you should learn to be receptive and not be stubborn, but rather be able to flexibly accept others' suggestions and opinions.)

例句5:在跨文化交流中,我们应该学会从善如流,尊重他人的习惯和文化,并且能够适应不同的环境。(In cross-cultural communication, we should learn to be receptive, respect others' customs and cultures, and be able to adapt to different environments.)

同义词及用法:顺水推舟(shùn shuǐ tuī zhōu);随波逐流(suí bō zhú liú)。这两个成语都强调了顺应和适应环境或他人意见的重要性。

