
英语听力2024-04-14 02:25:00小编



How to pronounce: [tā zài rèn zhí qī jiān háo wú jiàn shù.]

Usage: 这个短语通常用来形容一个人在担任某项工作或职位期间没有做出任何有意义的贡献或成就。


1. 她在公司担任市场部经理一年多了,可是她在任职期间毫无建树。

She has been the marketing manager of the company for over a year, but she has made no contribution during her tenure.

2. 这位总裁在领导公司十年,却被评为最差总裁,因为他在任职期间毫无建树。

The CEO has been leading the company for ten years, but he was rated as the worst CEO because he made no contribution during his tenure.

3. 我们不能再让这位经理继续留任了,他在任职期间毫无建树。

We cannot let this manager continue to stay in office, he has made no contribution during his tenure.

4. 他被解雇了,因为他在任职期间毫无建树。

He was fired because he made no contribution during his tenure.

5. 这个官员在任职期间毫无建树,导致民众对的不满情绪越来越高涨。

This government official made no contribution during his tenure, which led to increasing dissatisfaction among the public towards the government.

Synonyms and Usage:

1. 毫无成就 (have no achievements)

2. 毫无贡献 (make no contribution)

3. 毫无作为 (do nothing)

4. 毫无进展 (make no progress)

5. 一事无成 (achieve nothing)

Editor's Summary:

