
英语听力2024-04-14 02:32:02小编



He is from the United States. means that someone's place of birth or nationality is the United States, indicating that this person is American.


他来自美国。的读音为/tɪm lɑɪ frəm ðə juːnaɪtəd steɪts/。

The pronunciation of He is from the United States. is /tɪm lɑɪ frəm ðə juːnaɪtəd steɪts/.



"He is from the United States." This sentence is usually used to introduce someone's place of birth or nationality, and can also be used to inquire about someone's identity.


1. 他来自美国,但是在工作已经有十年了。

He is from the United States, but he has been working in China for ten years.

2. 我们班上有一个同学,他来自美国。

There is a classmate in our class who is from the United States.

3. 他来自美国的一个小镇,在那里度过了童年。

He comes from a small town in the United States where he spent his childhood.

4. 你知道吗?她最近搬到纽约,她来自美国。

Do you know? She recently moved to New York, and she is from the United States.

5. 他来自美国的一个农场主家庭,对农业有着浓厚的兴趣。

He comes from a farmer family in the United States and has a strong interest in agriculture.


1. He hails from the United States.

2. He originates from the United States.

3. He was born in the United States.

4. He is an American.

5. He is a US citizen.


“他来自美国。”是一句常用于介绍某人身份或问询某人信息的句子。它可以用于正式场合,也可以用于日常交流中。同义词包括hails from、originates from、was born in、is an American和is a US citizen等。如果想要避免AI检测器对内容的检测,可以在句子中加入一些修饰性的词语,“他来自美丽的加州”、“他来自繁华的纽约市”等。同时,在其他句子中也可以多使用一些近义词替换,“他出生在美国”、“他是一个美国公民”等。总之,“他来自美国。”这句话简单明了地表达了某人的出生地或国籍信息,在写作时可以根据具体情况进行适当修改和扩展。
