
英语听力2024-04-14 02:34:04小编


First impression is important in any social interaction. When someone gives you a good first impression, it means that they have made a positive and lasting impact on you. It could be their appearance, behavior, or attitude that leaves a favorable impression on you. In this case, the phrase “他给我的第一印象不错” (tā gěi wǒ de dì yī yìn xiàng bù cuò) translates to “He gave me a good first impression” in English.


The phrase “他给我的第一印象不错” can be read as “tā gěi wǒ de dì yī yìn xiàng bù cuò” with the following pronunciation:

tā (tah) - gěi (gei) - wǒ (wo) - de (duh) - dì (dee) - yī (ee) - yìn (yin) - xiàng (shyang) - bù (boo) - cuò (tswoh)


The phrase “他给我的第一印象不错” is commonly used in spoken and written Chinese to express a positive first impression of someone or something. It can be used in various contexts such as meeting someone for the first time, trying out a new product or service, or visiting a new place.


1. 我第一次见到她时,她给我的第一印象不错。

(Wǒ dì yī cì jiàn dào tā shí, tā gěi wǒ de dì yī yìn xiàng bù cuò.)

When I first met her, she gave me a good first impression.

2. 这家餐厅的食物味道很好,给我的第一印象不错。

(Zhè jiā cān tīng de shí wù wèi dào hěn hǎo, gěi wǒ de dì yī yìn xiàng bù cuò.)

The food at this restaurant tastes delicious, making a good first impression on me.

3. 我们公司新来了一位经理,他给我的第一印象不错。

(Wǒmen gōng sī xīn lái le yī wèi jīng lǐ, tā gěi wǒ de dì yī yìn xiàng bù cuò.)

Our company has a new manager and he left a good first impression on me.

4. 这本书的封面设计很吸引人,给我的第一印象不错。

(Zhè běn shū de fēng miàn shè jì hěn xī yǐn rén, gěi wǒ de dì yī yìn xiàng bù cuò.)

The cover design of this book is very eye-catching, giving me a good first impression.

5. 虽然他的外表看起来有点凶,但是他给我的第一印象不错。

(Suī rán tā de wài biǎo kàn qǐ lái yǒu diǎn xiōng, dàn shì tā gěi wǒ de dì yī yìn xiàng bù cuò.)

Although he looks a bit fierce, he gave me a good first impression.


1. 留下好印象 (liú xià hǎo yìn xiàng) - make a good impression

2. 给人留下深刻印象 (gěi rén liú xià shēn kè yìn xiàng) - leave a lasting impression on someone

3. 第一印象很重要 (dì yī yìn xiàng hěn zhòng yào) - first impression is important

4. 给人良好的第一感觉 (gěi rén liáng hǎo de dì yī gǎn jué) - give someone a good first feeling

5. 令人难忘的第一印象 (lìng rén nán wàng de dì yī yìn xiàng) - unforgettable first impression


In summary, the phrase “他给我的第一印象不错” refers to a positive first impression of someone or something. It can be used in various contexts and is commonly used in spoken and written Chinese. Other similar phrases include “留下好印象”, “给人留下深刻印象”, and “第一印象很重要”. Remember to use this phrase when describing a positive first encounter with someone or something in Chinese conversation or writing.
