以偏概全(yǐ piān gài quán)是一个成语,指的是根据个别的情况或事物,就认为整体都是如此。它常常用来形容人们在思考问题时,只看到局部而忽视整体,从而导致错误的判断或决策。
How to pronounce: yǐ piān gài quán
Example sentences:
1. 他总是以偏概全,从来不听取别人的意见。
He always makes judgments based on partial information and never listens to others' opinions.
2. 你不能仅凭个别案例就以偏概全,应该考虑到整体情况。
You shouldn't make generalizations based on individual cases, you should consider the overall situation.
3. 记者的报道太片面了,完全是以偏概全。
The journalist's report is too one-sided, it's completely based on partial information.
4. 他因为一次失败就对所有的投资都失去信心,真是以偏概全。
He lost confidence in all investments because of one failure, it's really making a generalization based on one instance.
5. 不要因为一个坏苹果就否定整个苹果园子,这样的想法太以偏概全了。
Don't judge the whole apple orchard based on one bad apple, that kind of thinking is too one-sided.
Synonyms and usage:
Editor's summary: