英文释义:To retaliate in kind; to respond to injustice or grievance with direct retaliation or revenge. It can also be understood as tit for tat, an eye for an eye.
以直报怨的读音为yǐ zhí bào yuàn,其中“yǐ”读作[yi],“zhí”读作[zhí],“bào”读作[bào],“yuàn”读作[yuàn]。
1. 他们一直忍气吞声,但最终还是选择了以直报怨。
They had been enduring it all along, but eventually they chose to retaliate in kind.
2. 面对那些不公平的指责,他没有选择以直报怨,而是选择了沉默。
Faced with those unfair accusations, he didn't choose to retaliate in kind, but chose to remain silent.
3. 有些人总是认为以直报怨才能解决问题,但其实这只会让矛盾更加激化。
Some people always think that retaliation in kind is the only way to solve problems, but in fact it will only intensify conflicts.
4. 在国际关系中,以直报怨只会导致恶性循环,最终受害的还是普通民众。
In international relations, retaliation in kind will only lead to a vicious cycle, and the ultimate victims are ordinary people.
5. 他并不赞同以直报怨的做法,而是主张通过和平谈判来解决双方的分歧。
He does not agree with the approach of retaliation in kind, but advocates resolving differences between the two sides through peaceful negotiations.
1. 以牙还牙(英文:an eye for an eye):与“以直报怨”意思相近,都指的是采取同样的行为回应对方。
2. 报复(英文:retaliate):强调采取某种行动来回应对方的不公平待遇或冤屈。
3. 报仇(英文:avenge):强调为了解除自己的愤怒或复仇心理而采取报复行动。
4. 还击(英文:strike back):指的是遭受攻击后采取反击行动。
5. 反击(英文:counterattack):指的是遭受攻击后采取回击行动。