
英语听力2024-04-14 03:12:06小编




To take advantage of one's neighbors is a phrase that means a person or a country only cares about their own interests and ignores the difficulties and needs of their neighbors. This term originates from an ancient Chinese fable, which tells the story of a farmer who selfishly occupied the water source, causing his neighbors to be unable to irrigate their fields and eventually leading to his own failure in farming. Therefore, taking advantage of one's neighbors can also be understood as "harming others for one's own benefit".


以邻为壑 (yǐ lín wéi hè)




1. 他总是以邻为壑,从来不考虑别人的感受。

He always takes advantage of others and never considers their feelings.

2. 这个的一向以邻为壑,导致周边的不满。

The policies of this country have always been to take advantage of its neighbors, causing discontent among neighboring countries.

3. 她的行为让人觉得她是一个以邻为壑的人,缺乏同情心。

Her actions make people think that she is someone who takes advantage of others and lacks empathy.

4. 没有人喜欢和一个以邻为壑的人做朋友。

No one likes to be friends with someone who takes advantage of others.

5. 他们的商业伦理观念很差,总是以邻为壑来获取利益。

Their business ethics are very poor, they always take advantage of others to gain profits.


1. 以邻为虑 (yǐ lín wéi lǜ): 关心邻居,体谅他人。这和“以邻为壑”的意思相反。

2. 利己主义 (lì jǐ zhǔ yì): 只关心自己利益,不顾他人。与“以邻为壑”意思相近。

3. 自私自利 (zì sī zì lì): 只顾自己的利益,不顾别人的需要。与“以邻为壑”意思相同。

4. 不顾他人 (bù gù tā rén): 不考虑别人的感受,只关心自己。与“以邻为壑”意思相近。


